Business Model
The Integrated Report – created by International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), an international alliance of regulators, investors, companies, standardization bodies, accountants and NGOs – provides for the company’s management integration with (I) financial, manufactured, (III) intellectual, (IV) human, (V) social and relationship and (VI) natural capital.
Conceptually, the business model is the system that transforms inputs through business activities, into products and impacts to meet the organization’s strategic objectives and create value in the short, medium, and long terms.
The Company adopts several capital inputs, and through its activities, convert them into products (products, services, byproducts, and waste). The business model capacity of being suited to changes (for instance, in availability, quality, and accessibility of inputs) may affect the organization’s sustainability in longer periods.
Below, the key inputs adopted by OdontoPrev, which does not intend to provide an exhaustive list. On the contrary, the focus relies on those with a material impact on the capacity of creating value in the short, medium, and long terms.

Creating value for the entire society

For the community
OdontoPrev invests in research and maintains a portfolio of dental solutions, concerned with society’s dental care and health.

For shareholders
A unique business model, with sustainable growth. Frequent distribution of dividends and interest on equity.

For clients
Customized plans, according to clients’ needs. OdontoPrev offers high-quality dental services.

For environment
OdontoPrev is a signatory of international initiatives, such as the Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Objectives, reiterating its commitment to mitigating its impacts and ecological footprint.

For employees
Training courses focused on OdontoPrev’s employees, initiatives, such as well-being, health, life quality, and diversity to maintain an inclusive and pleasant workplace for everyone.