Innovation & Technology
- 81 projects in our portfolio
- 35 projects delivered
Technological transformation is constantly challenging companies to reinvent themselves and monitor its speed. Thus, one of OdontoPrev’s decisions was to evolve the organization and manage projects to adopt a structured management policy.
In 2015, the Projects Office was created, which enabled us to analyze and understand the use and application of methodologies, firstly focused on governance. In the next two years, the Company consolidated and measured indicators to monitor the results and impacts of this new model. Gains seen in governance, visibility, and predictability were noteworthy, but the impact on the project’s execution time and delivery of innovations called our attention.
Pursuing innovation, we conducted a pilot test in 2017, applying the agile methodology in a project to build a new e-commerce portal. Targets and KPIs were successfully achieved and the project became operational within four months, compared to 18 months, should the waterfall method were applied. Online sales tripled after its launch, compared to the previous year.
In 2018, this methodology was expanded to four teams who worked in different projects, including new professionals to replicate the model. In the period, the Broker App and the beneficiaries’ self-service pilot were launched.
In early 2019, 54% of projects developed by Projects Office applied this method and 100% at the year-end. This methodology replaces the traditional waterfall model, enabling quicker, assertive deliveries, and multidisciplinary teams. In 2019, OdontoPrev had 15 teams working with the agile method and we expect that this model continues escalating internally, and creating facilitators, thus, resulting in quality and rapid deliveries towards total agility.
This capacity of innovation allows OdontoPrev to create value to its business model, improve customer experience, contribute to increase operational, social, and environmental efficiency, and become a competitive advantage in the sector, with a disruptive portfolio of products and services. OdontoPrev’s innovation path has three stages: new business expansion, efficiency, and focus on the customer experience. In 2019, OdontoPrev advanced in innovation and digital vehicles to provide greater efficiency to its processes and offer better experiences to its beneficiaries.
Milestones of technological development at OdontoPrev

Agile development x Traditional (waterfall)

Get to know key projects developed in 2019:
- Beneficiary Portal
Launched in 2019, the Client New Portal (beneficiary) seeks to facilitate and make information and services more accessible to OdontoPrev’s clients. The self-service includes information on the beneficiary’s dental plan (coerage, card, grace period, status), consultation of dentists accredited network, and services, such as a second copy of the bank slip and reimbursement request.
- Collection processes automation
In 2019, OdontoPrev improved and automated its collection process, making it more efficient, after RPA expansion (Robotic Process Automation), a digital tool launched in the previous year. The RPA assists in tasks with high-repetition-rate and intensive use of labor, thus, assigning teams to more strategic activities.
- Digital GTO (Dental Treatment Information)
Each of 700,000 dental monthly treatments has a GTO (Dental Treatment Information). In 2019, records became digital in OdontoPrev’s clinics. The digitalization contributes to reducing paper consumption, and provides quicker services, enhancing accredited dentists and beneficiaries experience. This project will be extended to the entire accredited network in 2020. Our estimate was to phase such project to the entire accredited network in 2020, but this process was accelerated, as one of the Company’s actions against the coronavirus (click here to know more). Therefore, the GTO was made available to 100% of the accredited network in the first quarter of 2020.
- Online Request (SOL) of Radiologic Exams
Launched in 2019, the OnLine Request (SOL) of Radiologic Exams automates the procedure approval process. This solution saves 3.24 tons of paper/year and avoids the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere. Besides environmental benefits, this tool makes the process more efficient for the accredited network, at the same time, it standardizes requests and optimizes indications control. With this new solution available in the portal, beneficiaries are no longer required to submit a printed request at the Radiologic Clinics. A beneficiary only selects the place, the accredited dentist, makes his appointment, captures his/her request in the tool, checks contractual rules and may search alternative exams, or request previous authorizations, thus, avoiding surprises, dissatisfactions, or having to return to the dental office.
- Business Intelligence applied to Quality Management
This project foresees the application of artificial intelligence to expedite and provide greater efficiency to assessments made by OdontoPrev’s Quality Management, which assesses that 100% of dental treatments were provided by accredited dentists. The use of technology allows dentists to focus on the technical analysis of treatment offered by an accredited professional.
Innovation transformed into patents

One of the OdontoPrev’s evidence of an innovative DNA is the registration since 2006 of technologies patents developed by the company. The patents registered are:
- Digitizer: specialized equipment that scans radiography and tomography images submitted by the accredited network.
- Plastic x-ray plate: used to store and facilitate the view of small x-ray images. By reformulating the plate, the company managed to reduce by 40% the use of plastic, resulting in environmental and financial benefits.
- Rede UNNA app: used to store and facilitate the view of small x-ray images. By reformulating the plate, the company managed to reduce by 40% the use of plastic, resulting in environmental and financial benefits.
Innovation to assist in the diagnosis of the disease
One of OdontoPrev’s relevant programs with greater social impact is its partnership with the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center. These two organizations have been working together since 2017 for the early diagnosis of oral cancer, which is among the 10 most common cancers in Brazil and the 5th to affect men. When a dentist of OdontoPrev’s accredited network identifies a suspicious lesion, he/she can photograph and upload the images through an exclusive app, so that A.C.Camargo specialists can render their opinion. The Rede UNNA application technology allows the dentist to photograph the patient’s oral cavity with quality, at a safe distance from the mouth, without identifying the patient, thus, guaranteeing privacy and biosafety.
To foment a culture of innovation, in 2019, OdontoPrev held the second edition of the OdontoPitch program, which aims at rewarding employees who come up with innovative ideas to be implemented at the Company. In 2019, 160 ideas were registered, versus 91 in the previous year. The short-listed ones went through capacitation sessions, including a visit to InovaBra (Bradesco’s innovation environment). All in all, 25 ideas were selected for the final stage, which consisted of a presentation to the board of executive officers. Out of these, five won and each one received an award of R$2,500.