
Environmental Management

OdontoPrev’s environmental management focuses on four key aspects: energy, water, GHG emissions, and waste management. To address these topics, the Company adopts an approach consisting of reducing consumption through awareness campaigns and more efficient technologies; reusing or recycling when possible; and measuring the impacts to mitigate them with environmental compensation programs.

GHG emissions

GRI 305-1

Increased GHG in the atmosphere is one of the critical factors of the climate change process. Committed to measuring and reducing its environmental impacts, OdontoPrev conducts rigorous management of these gases emissions through the GHG inventory, which in the section referring to Scope 1 (the company’s emissions), OdontoPrev recorded emissions occurred in its headquarters, referring to the following factors: diesel combustion from electricity generator; extinguisher gases; and building effluents. In 2019, 54 tons of CO2e were emitted (Scope 1), 31% less than in 2018.

Concerning Scopes 2 and 3, the inventory measured emissions associated with electricity, air, and land travels. In 2019, OdontoPrev recorded the emission of 943 tons of CO2e (Scopes 2 and 3), 55% higher than in 2018. Overall, OdontoPrev’s operations emitted 997 tons of CO2 in 2019, 45% higher than in the previous year, on the back of more frequent travels, due to the merger of Odonto System. The Company continuously acts to reduce its emissions, improve its performance through eco-efficiency innovation and dissemination of the conscious consumption concept. The effects of implementing the Quality Office Program (click here to know more) should be seen as from 2020, in view of employees’ home office and home-based work.

Since 2008, OdontoPrev has also been relying on the assistance of a specialized environmental consulting firm, which monitors emissions and maintains a Carbon Neutralization project, in which CO2 removals surpass the Company’s emissions by approximately 20%.

CO2e (t) emissions

Successful environmental management: CO2 removals surpass emissions

Employees and family members in the tree planting event in 2019: Andressa Ribeiro, Felipe Martins and Wagner Gomes.

OdontoPrev relies on the assistance of an external environmental consulting firm to monitor the emission of carbon deriving from energy consumption, its employees’ land or air travels, and fleet fuel. Based on calculations, the consulting firm quantifies the number of trees to be planted, so that to neutralize carbon equivalent and offset GHG emissions.
Since the project’s inception, 13,300 trees were planted, currently, our CO2 removals surpass our emissions.

In 2019, the Company’s employees, family members and the neighboring community of Parque Gabriel

Chucre, in the city of Carapicuíba, close to OdontoPrev’s headquarters gathered on the Tree Day (9/21) to plant seedlings, each two-meter height. The Company also guarantees seedlings to remain healthy.

This event included kids and pet spaces, and a presentation of the Philharmonic Orchestra Jovem Boa Vontade, from Legião da Boa Vontade (LBV).

The tree planting event was a partnership with the State Environmental Department, which provides pleasant leisure and green area for the local community, also relied on the participation of OdontoPrev’s employees.

Waste Management

GRI 306-2

OdontoPrev’s practices to treat waste include recycling of office supplies, old equipment, such as computer monitors, keyboards, and booklets. Other materials with a significant volume include plastic cups and sulfite papers. All A4 paper acquired derives from reforestation and certified.

The waste produced at OdontoPrev’s headquarters is directed to an outsourced recycling company, which maintains duly updated the Cadri (Certificate of Environmental Interest Waste Movement), issued by Cetesb (Environmental Sanitation Technology Company of the State of São Paulo). Cadri is a certificate that approves the transportation of environmental interest waste for reprocessing, storage, treatment, or final disposal.

Besides recycling, the Company conducts awareness actions and adopts measures to reduce waste generation, such as the inclusion of passwords in the printer’s system, thus, avoiding waste.

Icone Excel
Waste Management201720182019∆ 2019/2018
Paper disposal (kg)7,8823,1174,10431%
Plastic disposal (kg)2,7933,3443,6569%
Aluminum disposal (kg)32358138137%
Glass disposal (kg)154244-83%

Energy efficiency

The condominium, where the company’s headquarter is located at, is equipped with several technologies that contribute to minimize the use of natural resources. One is the intelligent air-conditioning and exhaust system, which reduces the amount of equipment connected outside of peak times when there is less demand. Another important solution is an internal plant, which is regularly active at night to generate sustainable resource optimization.

In 2019, OdontoPrev carried out the Quality Office Program, revisiting the company’s layout and thereby contributing to the improvement of energy efficiency. Likewise, the reduction in energy consumption was favored by the initiatives implemented in the previous year, such as the installation of motion sensors in all rooms and corridors and limited the use of equipment according to the schedule – the monitors began to switch off when they are no longer being used. In addition, it replaced the fluorescente and incandescent lamps of all floors by LED, more efficient.

OdontoPrev has also invested in raising awareness on the rational use of natural resources. Considering all these initiatives, energy consumption in 2019 had a significant drop compared to the previous year. Total consumption was 879,392 kW/h, a decrease of 12% compared to 2018.

Energy consumption (kWh)
∆ 2019/2018

Water consumption

The OdontoPrev headquarters building has a Sewage Treatment Station (ETE), in which the water is treated to be reused in the irrigation system of the building green areas, for sanitary purposes and as a firefighting reserve.

The process of water treatment in TEE is effective. During recycling, about 25% of the water is lost by evaporation, and practically everything else is reused. Of the total water used by OdontoPrev in 2019, 60% is recycled and reused. Waste sludge from sewage treatment is properly discarded.

Control of water consumption is done by the condominium, which sends a monthly report to monitor expenses and identify possible problems, such as leaks. In 2019, 8,023 m³ from public supply were consumed, a decrease of 19% compared to 2018.

Water consumption (m3)
∆ 2019/2018

Support to the accredited network

OdontoPrev’s concern with impacts on the environment is not only restricted to the activities directly performed by its teams at the headquarters. The Company created tools and processes to save natural resources also in the accredited network’s activities. One of the initiatives is offering resources to stimulate the involvement of surgeon dentists in actions to reduce energy and radiologic materials consumption, besides decreasing GHG emissions.

The Rede UNNA app, the Digital File, the Rede UNNA Portal, and the Uploader of radiologic images contribute to such reduction. These platforms allow transferring and storing images and exams, besides digitally maintaining patients’ treatment information.

Another initiative is the recycling of amalgam, a restorative material used by surgeon dentists, composed of heavy and toxic metals, such as mercury and silver. Aware of the relevance of recycling this material, OdontoPrev maintains a partnership with the University of São Paulo (USP) and the accredited network of surgeon dentists to develop new treatment technologies and replace amalgam with other materials. Since the project’s inception, in 2005, approximately 3,100 surgeon dentists sent 18 kg of amalgam, and nearly 8 kg of mercury and silver were recycled.

Percentage of images received by analog and digital channels

Balões de depoimentos


The support we receive from OdontoPrev is very important for our institution, as it qualifies the social protection we offer to our employees, their dependents and institution’s users, without its support, it would be difficult to guarantee their right to dental health.

Crislaine Lima, Socio-Educational Program Coordinator, Gol de Letra Foundation

OdontoPrev has been a partner of the Ronald McDonald Institute, since the foundation of this Institute in 1999 and has been contributing to transform the lives of thousands of children and adolescents with cancer in Brazil. With a 21-year history, the Institute already supported 1,500 projects of 100 institutions throughout the country, qualifying 26,000 health professionals in the early diagnosis of cancer.

Francisco Neves, Founder, and Superintendent of Ronald McDonald Institute

Over 500 people are benefited from OdontoPrev’s dental plans in its partnership with Tide Setubal Foundation. Taking into account that we assist socially vulnerable people, perhaps some of them never experienced something like that, as they made other choices in life.

Thiago Cassimiro, Tide Setubal Foundation’s Project Assistant, talking about the donation of dental plans in the “Black Friday do Bem” campaign.

Since I was a child, I had contact with Dentistry, my uncle was a dentist. I loved to see him working. Today, I am proud to be a dentist, strong-willed to serve patients. OdontoPrev not only takes care of the patient, but it also takes care of services through satisfaction surveys, which check service provided by the dentist, thus, everyone wins, patients, and dentists.

Rodrigo Villagra, OdontoPrev’s accredited dentist

I can see a digital future in dentistry and OdontoPrev’s competitive advantage is innovation and agility. The company offers a loyalty program to dentists, which allows accumulating points that I can exchange with dental materials.

Priscilla Ronchetti, OdontoPrev’s accredited dentist

We have been maintaining a long-standing partnership with OdontoPrev, approximately 15 years. OdontoPrev knows our routine and our demands concerning quality. We realize how OdontoPrev has been changing over the years, pursuing new technologies, improving its website and platform. This makes us look at our partnership in the long run.

Luciana Ezequiel, DHL’s HR Officer

The Young Entrepreneurs Program allowed me to grow as a professional and as a person, made me rediscover myself as a marketing professional and grow more and more. Every day I feel I contribute to the Company’s evolution and I have the opportunity of taking part in strategic projects.

Victoria Carnieri, OdontoPrev’s Marketing

I was well-received, with kindness and without discrimination. All the opportunities I receive at the company are fairly offered to me. OdontoPrev’s opportunities are offered to anyone pursuing professional and personal growth.

Paulo Ferreira, OdontoPrev’s Sustainability assistant

OdontoPrev’s Trainee Program offers lots of labor market opportunities, it includes trainees in different projects that contribute to his/her personal and professional development and presents adverse corporate scenarios for professional growth.

Mariana Lupianhas, OdontoPrev’s internship

I feel challenged by strategic projects I receive and I feel responsible for sustaining the company as a leader in the market. My 30-year experience in OdontoPrev makes me feel comfortable to innovate. OdontoPrev combines the strength of a publicly-held company and its capacity and desire for innovation. The employee is stimulated to devise new solutions at all hierarchical levels and play a leading role.

Diego Lyra, OdontoPrev’s Controller

OdontoPrev changed my life and received me with open arms. I am a disabled person, due to a traffic accident occurred 21 years ago. Every environment is prepared to receive any type of disability and fully accessible. The Company allowed me to develop myself intellectually and take up courses to improve my work.

Raquel Naressi, OdontoPrev’s Clinical Audit Supervisor