Employees Management
GRI 102-3, 102-7, 102-8, 102-41, 202-2, 405-1
The Company ended 2019 with 2,098 employees, of which 1,990 are permanent employees 108 are temporary workers, composed of trainees and apprentices. Most of the team is concentrated in the Company’s headquarters, in the city of Barueri, metropolitan region of São Paulo.
All in all, 52% of leadership positions were held by women, which evidences OdontoPrev’s commitment to promoting gender equality at the workplace.
In 2019, 65 women professionals were on maternity leave – out of this figure, 61 returned to work after leave, therefore, the retention rate was 93.4% upon return. Taking into account that professionals during 2019 completed 12 months after returning from leave, the permanence rate was 86.5%. In 2018, 37 women employees were on maternity leave, and in 2019, 32 of them completed one year of return.
Total employees by gender

Total employees by working hours

Total employees by working hours | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | |||
Back office | Men Women | 21% 79% | Men Women | 19% 81% | Men Women | 20% 80% |
Support | Men Women | 23% 77% | Men Women | 21% 79% | Men Women | 22% 78% |
Specialist | Men Women | 33% 67% | Men Women | 32% 68% | Men Women | 33% 67% |
Management | Men Women | 32% 68% | Men Women | 32% 68% | Men Women | 32% 68% |
Total employees by working hours

Division of employees by gender

The percentage of the lowest salary practiced by the Company stood at 121% above the minimum wage as of December 31, 2019, for female and male genders.
Division of employees by generation

Trainee and Young Entrepreneurs Program

OdontoPrev also invests in young talents’ access to the labor market. One of the initiatives is the Trainee Program, a specific partnership with the University of São Paulo. Besides dental students, this program foresees opportunities to students from other courses, such as Business Management, Law, Marketing, Psychology, and Information Technology.
The Young Entrepreneurs Program is another initiative, a recruiting and development one-year program for recently graduated students. This action encourages participants to develop a systemic and comprehensive vision of OdontoPrev. Youngsters participating in this program conduct multidisciplinary projects, they are stimulated to take part in strategic decision-making processes and ended the cycle ready to assume responsibility positions, such as senior analysts and consultants. In 2019, 3 recently graduated students joined this program. Since its inception, in 2010, 36 youngsters were hired, 20 of them remain in the Company (55% retention) – some of them holding managerial positions.
Development and training
GRI 404-1
OdontoPrev promotes training courses and actions concerned with employees’ qualification and development of technical or behavioral skills so that they are capable of achieving their individual goals, which are linked to the company’s targets.
Every year, the Training Needs Diagnosis (DNT) methodology is applied, in which all managers complete a form, with training requests for each employee of their team, indicating which characteristics should be developed by employee and expectations concerning professional’s deliveries and behavior after the training. Requests are prioritized and divided into internal training courses, which will be conducted by OdontoPrev, or external courses, relying on the support of consultants, lecturers, or education institutions. Each manager conducts an individual evaluation of his/her team’s results.
In 2019, several training courses were offered to employees, addressing behavioral aspects, such as time management, financial intelligence, and logical reasoning, besides technical aspects, such as project management, CRM, and presentation techniques. In 2019, OdontoPrev renewed the mandatory courses for all employees: Code of Ethical Conduct, Sustainability, Quality Office, and Competencies Evaluation.
The Company promotes on-site and online training courses through OdontoPrev University, a distance education platform, with a portfolio composed of several personal and professional development contents. In 2019, new functionalities were built into OdontoPrev University, such as forums of discussions, gamification, and rewards. Concurrently with the Life Quality Program, the University also maintains contents concerned with this topic, such as lectures and guidance on health, well-being, and life quality. Besides its courses, the OdontoPrev University combines platforms of renowned institutions offering courses, so that to complement its employees’ learning.
Facilitators League
A training program conducted by employees with a broad understanding of a specific issue. In 2019, 15 professionals participated as facilitators, sharing information on design thinking, investments, and the use of Excel at intermediate and advanced levels.
HR Round Table
The HR Meeting Round Table relies on the participation of HR managers of Brazil’s largest companies. The objective is to share market trends, exchange experiences, and present cases.
Leadership Program
Launched in 2019, this online program is available to all leadership levels, focused on people management internal processes (competencies evaluation, fine-tuning, and corporate education).
Language courses
Incentive program which foresees a reimbursement of up to 70% monthly tuitions
Training workload (hours) | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Management | 4,930 | 2,831 | 4,706 |
Specialist | 8,650 | 7,715 | 4,790 |
Support | 4,840 | 4,681 | 2,492 |
Back-office | 19,857 | 13,610 | 14,674 |
Performance Evaluation
OdontoPrev invests and measures employees’ development in different ways:
- Evaluation of Individual Goals: individual goals are developments of corporate targets, yearly contracted by all employees (except for apprentices and trainees). The evaluation takes place twice a year, and it is an assumption to receive the Profit Sharing Program bonus (PPR). Targets achievement is evaluated jointly with each employee’s manager and verified through a performance management system. In August 2019, 83% of employees had their goals evaluated (considering the employees’ base of that month).
- Competencies Evaluation: The Company has six corporate competencies driving the behavior expected by it to achieve strategic targets. Competencies are measured once a year through a performance management system. Evaluation is based on the 360º model, in which the employee is evaluated by the manager, by pairs, by subordinates and internal clients, besides a self-evaluation. In October 2019, 83% of employees underwent competencies evaluation (considering the employees’ base of that month).
- Individual Development Plan: after the cycle of performance evaluations, all employees receive feedbacks and prepare their individual development plan, based on what was identified as a development opportunity.
- Nine Box and Fine-Tuning: from senior analyst positions, OdontoPrev adopts the Nine Box methodology to identify talents, elaborate succession plans, analyze aspects, such as meritocracy and direct key professionals according to the Company’s strategies. The process includes fine-tuning meetings to evaluate employees and considers the results of behavioral evaluation and deliveries, and evaluations to measure potential.
Quality Office

The Quality Office Program, effective since 2018, is structured in three pillars: home office, home-based, and change in office layout. The home office consists of remote work, once to twice/week, while the home-based means full-time remote work, with two on-site meetings/month for training and performance analysis.
All employees are eligible to the home office (except for trainees and apprentices) and benefit is voluntary, generating a greater responsibility for employee, who shall correspond to the trust conferred to him/her. The professionals of areas with very defined and standardized processes are eligible for the home-based work. This differentiation takes into account the type of job developed in the area.
Professionals receive guidelines on the Kanban methodology (to organize and monitor the evolution of tasks), ergonomics, time and space organization, and home rules to enable the home office and the home-based. Employees have a period of adaptation and are evaluated by the manager. Employees’ performance increased after this program’s implementation, with productivity gains and professionals’ greater satisfaction.
AOdontoPrev maintains this program aiming at improving the life quality of its employees, retaining professionals, optimizing costs, and promoting a cultural change, focused on horizontalization, empowerment, and results. With this initiative, the Company also contributes to bolster urban mobility, reducing the number of people in daily commuting hours.

OdontoPrev’s Diversity Group discusses and proposes ways of making the workplace more inclusive and diverse. In 2019, the Company focused on hiring and integrating people with disabilities by executing a partnership with the Disabled People’s Rights Department of Barueri to select and train professionals with disabilities. Also, awareness lectures were conducted with leaders on the relevance of this type of hiring. Besides training courses, materials were developed with guidelines on treatment, respect, and equality. All in all, nine disabled professionals were hired in 2019 to work in different areas of the Company, namely: Marketing, Information Technology, Clinical Audit, Human Resources, and Digital Convergence.