
GRI Content Index

General disclosuresStandard contentPage/Answer
102-1Name of the organization
102-2Activities, brands,
products and services
Strategy and businesses
102-3Location of the
Employees management
102-4Location of
OdontoPrev operates in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. The data in this report refers exclusively to the Brazilian operations.
Learn more on Profile
102-5Ownership and
legal form
Corporate structure
102-6Markets servedProfile
102-7Scale of the
Employees management
102-8Information on
employees and other
Employees management
102-9Supply chainSuppliers management
102-10Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain
There were no significant changes in the period.
102-11Precautionary principle or approach
Risk management
102-12External initiatives
Vision of sustainability
102-13Membership of associations
Value relationships
102-14Statement from senior decision-makerMessage from the CEO
Ethics and integrity
102-16Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior
102-18Governance structure Corporate governance structure
General disclosuresStakeholder engagement
102-40List of stakeholder groups Edition of 2019 Report
102-41Collective bargaining agreements
Employees management
102-42Identifying and selecting stakeholders Edition of 2019 Report
102-43Approach to stakeholder engagementEdition of 2019 Report
Reporting practice
102-45Entities included in the consolidated financial statements In the consolidated financial statements, the investments of the subsidiaries were not mentioned, neither were the equity income results, the asset, liability and result balances resulting from transactions between such companies. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date when control is transferred to OdontoPrev.
102-46Defining report content and topic boundaries Edition of 2019 Report
102-47List of material topicsEdition of 2019 Report
102-48Restatements of information
Edition of 2019 Report
102-49Changes in reporting Edition of 2019 Report

102-50Reporting periodEdition of 2019 Report
102-51Date of most recent reportEdition of 2019 Report

102-52Reporting cycle
Edition of 2019 Report

102-53Contact point for questions regarding the report
For information or to clarify any doubts, contact us by: [email protected].
102-54Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI StandardsEdition of 2019 Report
102-55GRI content index
GRI content index
102-56External assuranceSocio-environmental information are monthly consolidated and are monitored by the Sustainability area. In order to ensure that actions happen as expected, the team's goal is to carry out actions related to socio-environmental impacts. The data reported in this report are not audited by an independent entity.
Economic Series
Economic performance
Management approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Performance in 2019
103-3Evaluation of the management approachPerformance in 2019
Economic performance201-1Direct economic value generated and distributedPerformance in 2019
Market presence
Management approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report

103-2The management approach and its components Employees management
103-3Evaluation of the management approachEmployees management
Market presence
202-2Proportion of senior management hired from the local communityThe main operations and the largest number of employees are located at the headquarters, in Barueri (SP). All senior executives hired are from the local community.
Management approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Internal controls and compliance
103-3Evaluation of the management approachInternal controls and compliance
Anti-corruption205-1Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionInternal controls and compliance
205-2Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresEthics and transparency
Environmental Series
Management approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components GHG emissions
103-3Evaluation of the management approachGHG emissions
Emissions305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsGHG emissions
Effluents and waste
Management approach103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Waste management
103-3Evaluation of the management approachWaste management
Effluents and waste306-2Waste by type and disposal methodWaste management

Supplier environmental assessment
Management approach103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Suppliers management
103-3Evaluation of the management approachSuppliers management
Supplier environmental assessment 308-1New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteriaSuppliers management
Social Series
Training and education
Management approach103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Development and training
103-3Evaluation of the management approachDevelopment and training

Training and education
404-1Average hours of training per year per employeeDevelopment and training
Management approach103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Employees management

Corporate governance structure
103-3Evaluation of the management approachEmployees management

Corporate governance structure
Diversity405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employeesEmployees management

Corporate governance structure
Supplier social assessment
Management approach103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Suppliers management
103-3Evaluation of the management approachSuppliers management
Supplier social assessment414-1New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaSuppliers management
Customer health and safety
Management approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Risk management
103-3Evaluation of the management approachRisk management
Customer health and safety416-2Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and servicesIn 2019, there were no cases of non-compliance with regulations and codes related to the health and safety of the services offered by OdontoPrev and its accredited network. In 2020, the Company adopted practices to ensure the health and safety of its customers and beneficiaries, due to the pandemic generated by the coronavirus (see Action against COVID-19).
Management approach103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Rede UNNA
103-3Evaluation of the management approachRede UNNA
Marketing417-1Requirements for product and service information and labelingRede UNNA
Customer privacy
Management approach103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEdition of 2019 Report
103-2The management approach and its components Customer privacy
103-3Evaluation of the management approachCustomer privacy
Customer privacy418-1Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer dataCustomer privacy
Balões de depoimentos


The support we receive from OdontoPrev is very important for our institution, as it qualifies the social protection we offer to our employees, their dependents and institution’s users, without its support, it would be difficult to guarantee their right to dental health.

Crislaine Lima, Socio-Educational Program Coordinator, Gol de Letra Foundation

OdontoPrev has been a partner of the Ronald McDonald Institute, since the foundation of this Institute in 1999 and has been contributing to transform the lives of thousands of children and adolescents with cancer in Brazil. With a 21-year history, the Institute already supported 1,500 projects of 100 institutions throughout the country, qualifying 26,000 health professionals in the early diagnosis of cancer.

Francisco Neves, Founder, and Superintendent of Ronald McDonald Institute

Over 500 people are benefited from OdontoPrev’s dental plans in its partnership with Tide Setubal Foundation. Taking into account that we assist socially vulnerable people, perhaps some of them never experienced something like that, as they made other choices in life.

Thiago Cassimiro, Tide Setubal Foundation’s Project Assistant, talking about the donation of dental plans in the “Black Friday do Bem” campaign.

Since I was a child, I had contact with Dentistry, my uncle was a dentist. I loved to see him working. Today, I am proud to be a dentist, strong-willed to serve patients. OdontoPrev not only takes care of the patient, but it also takes care of services through satisfaction surveys, which check service provided by the dentist, thus, everyone wins, patients, and dentists.

Rodrigo Villagra, OdontoPrev’s accredited dentist

I can see a digital future in dentistry and OdontoPrev’s competitive advantage is innovation and agility. The company offers a loyalty program to dentists, which allows accumulating points that I can exchange with dental materials.

Priscilla Ronchetti, OdontoPrev’s accredited dentist

We have been maintaining a long-standing partnership with OdontoPrev, approximately 15 years. OdontoPrev knows our routine and our demands concerning quality. We realize how OdontoPrev has been changing over the years, pursuing new technologies, improving its website and platform. This makes us look at our partnership in the long run.

Luciana Ezequiel, DHL’s HR Officer

The Young Entrepreneurs Program allowed me to grow as a professional and as a person, made me rediscover myself as a marketing professional and grow more and more. Every day I feel I contribute to the Company’s evolution and I have the opportunity of taking part in strategic projects.

Victoria Carnieri, OdontoPrev’s Marketing

I was well-received, with kindness and without discrimination. All the opportunities I receive at the company are fairly offered to me. OdontoPrev’s opportunities are offered to anyone pursuing professional and personal growth.

Paulo Ferreira, OdontoPrev’s Sustainability assistant

OdontoPrev’s Trainee Program offers lots of labor market opportunities, it includes trainees in different projects that contribute to his/her personal and professional development and presents adverse corporate scenarios for professional growth.

Mariana Lupianhas, OdontoPrev’s internship

I feel challenged by strategic projects I receive and I feel responsible for sustaining the company as a leader in the market. My 30-year experience in OdontoPrev makes me feel comfortable to innovate. OdontoPrev combines the strength of a publicly-held company and its capacity and desire for innovation. The employee is stimulated to devise new solutions at all hierarchical levels and play a leading role.

Diego Lyra, OdontoPrev’s Controller

OdontoPrev changed my life and received me with open arms. I am a disabled person, due to a traffic accident occurred 21 years ago. Every environment is prepared to receive any type of disability and fully accessible. The Company allowed me to develop myself intellectually and take up courses to improve my work.

Raquel Naressi, OdontoPrev’s Clinical Audit Supervisor